The intensification of the coronavirus outbreak in China may disrupt supply chains and impact UK imports from China.

You will have seen almost hourly updates on the News about the Coronavirus. We would like to summarise the current situation and the potential impact on operations in China:

  • China has announced Lunar New Year Holidays will be extended country-wide until 2nd February (from 30/1).
  • Many Municipality and Provincial Governments have announced a further extension until 9th February –
  • Shanghai Municipality
  • Chongqing Municipality (Central/West)
  • Jiangsu Province (Lianyungang, Nantong, Nanjing)
  • Guangdong Province (Shenzhen, Shantou)
  • Fujian Province (Fuzhou, Xiamen).
  • Our partner Ensign will have colleagues working from home during this period, supported closely by the head office in Hong Kong to ensure daily operations are managed.
  • The production schedule of factories may be impacted and this will determine the repercussions on vessel capacity – we have seen a carrier withdraw a sailing as a result of the anticipated drop in demand.

At PFE we are acutely aware that you may have concerns. The situation is moving rapidly and we will endeavour to keep you informed of any further changes to the situation that may impact operations and the supply chain. 

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected]